Apple Memories

Dedicated to Steve Jobs

Bloomberg BusinessWeek

Special edition of
Bloomberg BusinessWeek, dedicated to Steve Jobs

When I heard the news that Steve Jobs died Oct. 5, like everyone else who loves him and Apple, I felt a sick sadness in my gut.

I know what it feels like to say goodbye to someone dying of pancreatic cancer. A close friend and brilliant photographer, Jim Cummins, died of the disease. Toward the end he was very weak, but I had the opportunity to say goodbye and to tell him I loved him. There is a certain peace that came when I did. But when you admire someone from afar, it's not possible to express how much they mean to you. So when they die, people are left with an emptiness — grieving when one doesn't really feel they have the right—but grieving nonetheless.

Over the past two and half decades, much of my life has orbited around Steve Jobs, especially as more and more Apple products have interwoven into every waking moment of my existence. I go to bed with my iPhone on the night stand, and wake up to its alarm to check my email and calendar.

This blog post, dedicated to him, recounts a love affair that started in 1985 with the Mac 512K, and continues through a sampling of more than 2 dozen computers in my life over the course of the past two and a half decades, and all of which we still own.

The 512K
The 512K

Okay…maybe "26-year love affair" is pushing it. The 512K sat untouched in its box for quite a while before my husband, David, opened it. As a hotshot copywriter in one of Seattle's most innovative agencies, he was among the first wave to acquire this cool new tool. But there was something comforting about his IBM electric typewriter, and it was such a hassle to learn this strange, new technology. As somewhat of a neo-Luddite, he entered the new era kicking and screaming, but like the rest of us, found himself embracing it.

My best friend, Paula, was working at a Seattle company called Aldus, which created PageMaker and Freehand and other applications for graphic designers. She encouraged me to start using a computer, but I was afraid. I'd had my graphic design business for 10 years, and used traditional tools like X-acto blades, T-squares, triangles, rapidograph pens and drafting instruments, and I didn't know if I could make the transition.

But in the late 1980s, I did, buying the first of two Mac IIci CPUs. The IIci was a bit spooky to seasoned Mac users because of the new "System 7" operating system. But since I cut my teeth on it, I didn't know anything else. Thus began my dedication to Apple.

The Mac IIci
The Mac IIci

The "Power PCs" of the mid-1990s were supposed to be the salvation of our beloved platform with the licensing of the Mac OS to "clones." Having achieved a 10 percent market share, most of us felt good to think we would never have to "do Windows." But the market share fell to 3 percent in 1995 when Steve Jobs closed the loophole that had allowed other manufacturers to produce them. We all wondered—what was going to happen?

PowerMac 7100
PowerMac 7100

PowerMac 7300
My cat, Hunter, jumping onto the set with the PowerMac 7300

The Microsoft/Apple alliance seemed to make strange bedfellows. Was the king of "the Evil Empire" (as my Microsoft friends referred to it) really going to save Apple? Steve Jobs said at the 1997 MacWorld Expo:

Newsweek Magazine
The issue of Newsweek,
explaining the new alliance between Microsoft and Apple.

"If we want to move forward and see Apple healthy and prospering again, we have to let go of a few things here. We have to let go of this notion that for Apple to win, Microsoft has to lose. We have to embrace a notion that for Apple to win, Apple has to do a really good job. And if others are going to help us that's great, because we need all the help we can get, and if we screw up and we don't do a good job, it's not somebody else's fault, it's our fault. So I think that is a very important perspective. If we want Microsoft Office on the Mac, we better treat the company that puts it out with a little bit of gratitude; we like their software. So, the era of setting this up as a competition between Apple and Microsoft is over as far as I'm concerned. This is about getting Apple healthy, this is about Apple being able to make incredibly great contributions to the industry and to get healthy and prosper again."

The G3 "Wall Street" PowerBook was a spectacular machine. Mine featured a swappable bay for a modular CD, floppy and Zip disk drives, so every medium was accessible. I took it with me on flights to numerous press checks in Oregon and Nevada. I loved seeing Carrie Bradshaw using one in Sex and the City. It seemed to make a lot of cameo appearances, probably because people making films used Macs.

G3 Powerbook
G3 Powerbook

During the Apple Renaissance, from the late 1990s to early 2000s, products including the iBook and iMac—favorites of my family—were introduced.

Early model iBook
Early model iBook


During the era of the iBook and iMac, the PowerMac G4 emerged. This model proved to be among the most productive machines in the office, and remained in use for a long while. A few years ago when one of my kids was taking Spanish, someone gave us an old version of Rosetta Stone Spanish for Mac. All of our machines were too new to run it, so we unearthed one of the G4s, installed the software, and it worked perfectly.

The G4 with Apple's craziest monitor
The G4 with Apple's craziest monitor

In 2003 the first aluminum-enclosed tower, the PowerMac G5 was introduced. As with all Apple computers, they were ideal for graphic designers. We eventually had two of them. One was actually a lemon and required rebooting 10 times a day. But it was the only Apple Computer in more than two decades that ever had problems. When we jettisoned it, it was liberating, like having a headache suddenly stop. The cinema display always worked perfectly, though!

The G5 with very cool Cinema Display

The G5 with very cool Cinema Display

In 2007 a MacPro tower was added to the office, and is still used as a back-up computer. It is one of the best, most reliable computers I've ever used and it continues to deliver. Having two DVD drives in one machine is great.


I used to scoff at iMacs for professional use until we acquired the 27" iMac. We shopped for another tower, but when considering the separate cost of a large display and CPU, the iMac started looking very attractive. It has been a fantastic addition to the studio. With all of processing speed, tons of real-estate in hi-definition, versatility and minimal desk footprint, I'm now a believer in the all-in-one for pro use.

The 27" iMac

We've never owned stock in the company, but we've done our best to help Apple grow. My hope is Steve Jobs' legacy will continue into the next decade, with every new inspiration harkening back to its visionary cofounder.

Huge thanks to Seattle photographer, Doug Plummer who shot the photos for this blog post.

Information sourced throughout the web, including MacTracker , Apple and Wikipedia.


  1. Very good blog post Terri. An enjoyable read. :)

  2. Hi, Rich,

    Thank you so very much for taking the time to read and comment.

    I suspect I'll always be devoted to Apple, so years from now there will be a long line of new CPUs (or WHATEVER we are using in the future) to join the photo collection!

    Wishing you a great day!


  3. Hey Terri, like the post, and yes this was a difficult death to hear, as I remember my wife calling me when I was en route to visit family in Florida that night.Even though we did not personally know him, he had a way of connecting with us not just with his products, but with his way of life and how he became a household name from his interesting up bringing.

    That first Mac picture you had of the 512 was the same one my dad had. My dad would never let me touch the computer too. I was fortunate to look at it though:-)

    Of course I never knew what it meant to be a loyal Mac fan until I purchased my first product of his. Now there just seems to be no comparison.

    Thanks for sharing, also, my blog went through some changes. I think you said last time that you subscribed but I must have accidentally deleted your email when I switched to mailchimp. If you have the chance then certainly subscribe again, I won't mess it up this time I promise:-)

    Take care and keep in touch my friend!

    Eric Koch

  4. Love this post Terri!!! Brings back memories of my first Mac the Macintosh Classic. I agree abut the 27 inch iMac. I love mine as well as my MacBook Air. Great photos too!! =))

  5. Dear Eric,

    Thanks for stopping by to read and comment.

    I was walking through one of the hallways in our house when my son called from the top of the stairs, wondering if I'd heard the news?

    What news?

    Then he told me. I ran to my computer and Googled it. OMG. It really felt like a beloved family member had passed away.

    Next, my best friend left me a voice message. She is the person who inspired and encouraged me to use a Mac. We all knew it was coming, but felt bereft.

    The evening effected all of us, and it's still felt every time we read a new story, or watch a new video clip.

    Re: the 512K, come to think of it, I don't think my husband let our kids use his either. But it wasn't as easy as the later models, so maybe that was why you weren't able to use it :-)

    I'm especially happy to know you are "one of us," Eric! Apple is truly a religious movement.

    As for your blog, I'll head over post haste and make sure I'm still there!

    Many thanks again, and wishing you well,


  6. Dear Marty,

    I honestly didn't believe the iMac would have enough power and speed to be a good tool for a professional, but WOW. It's fantastic! The MacBook Air is on a wish list for me, but it sounds like you have quite a dynamic duo to help you with all the great content you and Misty have been developing.

    Thanks so much for reading and commenting. It means a lot. <3

    Lotsa love,


  7. Kam Au7:34 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Kam Au7:46 PM

    Thanks Terri, your posting brings back so much bittersweet memories; the joy and laughs we all shared and the sad days of grieving of Jim's passing. You are truly a most loving and loyal friend. I adore and love you!


  9. Dear Kam,

    Thank you for reading and for your comment.

    Jim is present through our memories of him even though many years have passed since he left this world. I still think of the great times we all had together.

    It truly was a blessing to be able to say goodbye. I will never forget it as long as I live. Thank you so much for seeing into the future, and understanding what it would mean to all of us who were there at the end.

    Much love,


  10. Great posting Terri! Fascinating info for those of us who came late to the Apple Party.

  11. Anonymous10:45 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Dear Mardie,

    Thanks so much and great to see you!

    How does that old saying go? "Better late than never?"

    A couple of my buddies just this year have started using iPads and iPhones after decades of life with PCs and Blackberrys. It just goes to show how the functionality and aesthetics of great industrial design can win in the end. Steve Jobs was the master of that line of thinking.

    I hope to see you soon, M. It's been a long time!

    Love, Terri

  13. Dear Doug,

    First of all, thanks again for shooting these photos. It was terrific having the chance to spend a half day together.

    I hope you're wrong about the "end of the run." As I said in the post, I would have never considered an iMac, but now that I have it, I've been impressed with its performance in my work as a graphic designer.

    Video is another story, however, and I'm not putting my machine through those paces. You know far better than I would about the Mac's future in that arena. It's hard to imagine Apple would sacrifice that segment of its market, but somewhere there is a master plan, and I suspect long before he died, Steve Jobs knew where it is headed.

    Thanks for the comment and I wonder if you noticed? You've been featured in two blog posts in a row!

    Love, Terri

  14. What a trip down memory lane this was Terri....
    I'd forgotten just how many Macs I've worked on over the years, staring with the IIci & moving on through PowerMacs, G4, G5 etc ....iMacs, MacPro etc...
    I'd also forgotten the software we used to work on Pagemaker, Freehand... ahh system7:)
    All of my Macs where passed on down to my kids who gave them a bit of a battering but like faithful dogs they took it in their stride a carried on & on:)
    Thank you Terri for taking me back to the 'old days'
    ....a lovely affectionate post that has brought a smile to my face & memories of the agencies I worked in.

  15. Anonymous3:04 AM

    a superb blog Terri! i am the worlds biggest apple geek so i loved this, from TOTALMERCH :)

  16. Great post Great man! rictownsend EAv

  17. Great blog!! I'm a fan of Apple and it is with great joy that I discover this blog through your mission in Empire Avenue. Congratulations, your blog is fantastic!


  18. Love the article! A big loss for Apple. Steve was truly an amazing entrepreneurial and a visionary. Who will ever fill his shoes...?

  19. Wonderful post. Observing the history of Mac was really fun! I remember using them in middle school - and then later at University... frankly I never liked them much - for some reason the font annoyed me LOL! But although I use a Sony Vaio now (this is my fourth Sony), I know my next computer will more than likely be the Mac. Many of my close friends have taken the plunge... so I will do the same :) In the meantime, though, I'm a blackberry/vaio guy.

    Also wanted to say - you have every right to grieve - as anybody that has a positive impact on your life and the world deserves your respect and emotion. However, what is particularly important is HOW you do that process - and you have done it with joy and celebration of the contribution. This is the most effective, powerful and inspiring way to do so - and brings positive energy to those that read it!

    Thanks for your post!

  20. Will Tweet thanks Terri

  21. Great post Terri. It brought a lot of memories back there. I started owning a Mac lately and it made me envious those who enjoyed it way way back.

  22. Hi Terri,

    Thanks for the great post. Steve Jobs a great person and are responsible for that many technologies we are currently using. He will be missed.

  23. This is great Terri. My 1st was also the Mac 512k after the IMB typewriter. Big step. Big step indeed. How we have progressed!

  24. I'm a PC person in a family of Apple users. I worked 1984-1996 with Macs but had to switch because of work. But it was great to read your reminiscences and see all those photos. I had a clunky Mac Classic that cost $1500 in 1992 which was more expensive than my car! My family had all of those colorful iMac models, such a nice change from beige. Of course, everything is sleek nowadays!

  25. Hi Terri, I really enjoyed reading your post. You are a true Apple fan! Loved the pics too, especially the one with Hunter:-)

    Best wishes,
    Ebru Ulufer (e)EBRU

  26. I threw my old 512k in the recycling bin about 18 months a go - nobody wanted it - tried the science museum, the computer museum, the local schools but no joy and having sat in our roof void for years it just had to go.

    EA Ticker UPTON

  27. Loved this post! Brought back some memories of the first computer I ever used; my dad's Macintosh Classic II. Apple sure has come a long way from those days, and they've reshaped the modern landscape of computing and now mobile with Steve Jobs' brilliance at it's helm.

    He is and will continue to be missed, and I hope Apple's best years are still ahead.

    -Juan (e)JNBS

  28. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Crumbs the first macs didn't look much did they? Madgett

  29. Resonates nicely, especially the bit about your husbands first Mac, as I made the move last year aged 50 from windooze to the 27" iMac. Completely, no windows thingies on it. Pure Mac.

    Hehehe, my iMac had to wait a week or so to get set up and it took me a month to get really into it. Just yesterday I started actively using iMovie.

    Side effect of your post . . . inspired me to check background mounting paper for taking classy pictures. Or did you take all your Macs to the photographers studio ?

  30. So cool to tell your story via the products you owned. I worked at a mostly Mac agency from 96-2004 and remember the iMac explosion. To me it signaled Apple's move into the company we love Jobs for today.

    And prior to this, my first computer at the agency was a version of the 1984 model (not literally 12 years old...but an iteration of that model). I also remember a dock I had that I'd put my laptop into that was much more integrated than the docks you see today.


  31. Many thanks Terri (and Hunter) for the retrospective and memories... it would be endless to list the amazing creations from Apple but my top#1 favorite is AppleTV, linked to my huge iTunes media, my daughters keep transforming our living room in a cinema and/or discothèque LOL Very glad to have met you via EAv :) Keep up the great work and kind regards

  32. what a lovely tribute -- not least of all to Apple. My first computer was a Mac IIsi wit 8 megs of RAM and I still have an old G3 packed away in my attic. I too have Apple memories. Nice to know you both on blogspot and Empire Avenue

  33. Superb blog post - a great read! I love how you showed the development of Apple computers through the products that you owned yourself.


  34. Wow, a great post and I especially liked your cat, "Hunter"! Great photos as well.

    We'll miss Steve Jobs forever. Hope Apple will continue to innovate even in his absence to bring us great products!


  35. Apple Memories

    A great loss to the technological world.
    But that's it. Life is like that.
    Steve Jobs, not died. His followers continued with their projects.
    Rest in peace, Steve.

    Rubens Souza

  36. Really good read. Made me cast my mind right back to my first dabblings in the Mac world - too much time loitering around system 6 Macs running Finder and Multifinder on a TOPS network. My first work Mac however was a Quadra 700.

    A succession of job moves saw me steadily rise through the Mac ranks (including the clones). I still remember pondering just how the hell I would would ever fill a 1Gb drive. Eventually, I'd save enough for my very own Bondi iMac.

    Now here I am, 25 years later running my own business with a decent collection of iMacs, Macbooks and iOS devices - hardware and software that I feel have directly contributed to my success. I doubt I could connect in the same way with PCs, and just like my photography and DJ gear, I need to love it to get the best from it - and me too.


  37. Thanks for the contribution towards Steve's memorial. He will continue to be so in the products he helped conceive and produce. (e)RADZ

  38. I think that Jobs' death was so meaningful because of his views on death, despite his fame and fortune. He was also a very important person for graphic designers because of the direction the industry has gone in. Nice post!

  39. Anonymous4:18 AM

    I have not been much of an Apple customer but I did enjoy following the success of Steve Jobs. I have been a pc user but recently bought an ipod and ipad.

    Teresa (e)CrochetGeek

  40. Anonymous4:23 AM


  41. Wow, this took me down memory lane! Thanks for sharing part of your past with us. My first computer was a PowerMac then I worked on iMac & G4s. Today I have both PC and apple products and am typing this from my iPad

    Thanks again Terri for sharing.

  42. Nicely written. I enjoyed the passing of Mac time as it happened in your life. My first and only Mac was an SE/30. I bought it to better understand the Mac as I was joining a new company. More on that later in this comment. I returned to the Apple fold after OSX was shipping as I could not bring myself to return to the Mac OS once I had seen the future.

    As to Steve's passing... I am not sure what to make. Based on the last few years I was not surprised. I was actually pretty sure his life was coming to an end when I watched the video of him presenting to the Cupertino city council. Apple wants to build a new building on the Cupertino HP site and Steve did the presentation of the planning application. It was shot a couple of days after he presented the iPad 2 and the difference in his health was pretty dramatic.

    I worked for Steve for a year and spent close to three years at NeXT. It happens I joined NeXT from HP and my HP office was at the Cupertino site. It all feels rather strange.

  43. Great article/post! I really appreciated the pictures of the Apple computers - I remember them all very well!

    For myself, the news of Steve Jobs passing was very sad. I had just come home from a day of teaching new Mac users (e.g., switchers) the fantastic world of Mac -- then I received a tweet telling me of the news.

    Steve Jobs has always been a business, marketing, an presentation hero of mine. As well as an important impact on my professional and personal life, as I am consumed by Apple products -- and proud of it. :)


    Eric Montgomery

  44. Nice article Teri :). I really like the way you went about it, it shows that how much you loved Apple products.

    I am not so sure that current Apple Leaders will be able to keep the same quality and experience. Because Steve was a towering pillar for Apple.

    Krish (e)KRISH

  45. Quite a collection of apple products. Part of the history. I'm not consumed by Apple products, but do appreciate what has been accomplished.

  46. Great post, Terri.
    It shows how much you love Apple computers and Steve Jobs.



  47. Great article, good job Terri!

    And to add in my two cents quickly..

    I really enjoyed reading the eulogy that the late Mr. Job's sister had read at his funeral.

    In particular the part that reads "Even as a young millionaire, Steve always picked me up at the airport. He’d be standing there in his jeans."

    Finally I am personally very excited to see the leaps, bounds, and progress that Apple designers and/or engineers will most likely have forthcoming in the hopefully very near future w/Siri.

    Siri - (AI done Apple style!)


  48. Great post, Terri!

    What I've admired most about Apple design over the last few years is the courage demonstrated by Jobs and his team (especially Jon Ives) to remove extraneous features (like floppy drives) and simplify. Anyone can add more things, but to be the first to remove them takes guts. Less is certainly more.


  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Super Article Terri.....!! Having only used Apple computers since the beginning.....I'm a huge fan. This cover the saga so well....Thanks.from a fello Apple Geek. (e)JAYWILLIAMS

  51. Thanks for a fantastic walk down memory lane.
    Macs are the only computers I've ever owned.

    I used to think Mac users were like early VW beetle owners- loyalists who put up with the ribbing about Macs because they cared more about the independence that their technology afforded them than the ribbing.

    For quite a few years it was hard to take all the negativity, knowing how Steve's innovations had opened the tech world up for everyone.

    And then Steve did it again: turned the tech world upside down and rode the wave of his genius to the top of the heap.

    Thanks for a great telling of the tale.

  52. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Wonderful tribute, cool to see the many Macs over the course of your career and hard to believe there was a time when people used x-acto knives to do layout...
    that 27" iMac is beautiful!
    nice picture of Hunter too!

  53. Thanks for this great post, like many others have said reading this took me on a trip down my own Mac memory lane. I know longer have any of my old Macs, hmm actually I gave my parents my old PowerMac 7200 many years ago, knowing them it is gathering dust somewhere in their loft, will have to go hunting next time we visit...

  54. Terri, I too am a Big C survivor so I deeply appreciated your personal story so richly illustrated with your historic path using Apple computers.
    Artists of all descriptions owe much to Steve Jobs. I join you in lamenting the loss of such a creative force. We will prevail and remember the mission.


    Have a great season of Thanksgiving!

  55. Nice read Terri and many things sound awefully familiar. I went through a very similar line-up :-)


  56. Ah! The memories!
    Thanks for that little trip down the lane.

    Talk soon Terri :-)


  57. Another interesting story. I love the look of your blog and the content. But I have a question. What do you plan to do with all those Macs?!

  58. Hey Terri.

    Well written! A fellow Apple fan!

    (e)saintinc :)

  59. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I know how you feel. A couple of days ago I read Steve's obituary by his sister, and I had a flash back to my father's death.

    I only had an apple (IIc?) some years back, and still remember how beautiful it was. I can't imagine today's world without iphones and ipads. Steve Jobs will be missed.


  60. Great post Terri, I didn't need the Mission to come over to read your great tribute post to Steve Jobs


  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Hi Terri,
    Excellent post! Steve Jobs left an indelible mark on the world in so many ways. His inspiring vision changed the way most of us live today! I'm an Apple fan (as well as Steve Jobs admirer) and as such, truly appreciate your work here. Thanks for sharing!

    (COLR on Empire Ave) +1'd!

  63. This one definitely goes out to all the Mac lovers, I have quite a few close friends who will appreciate your trip down memory lane in respect for the recently departed genius Steve Jobs!

    'The path for man is not laid before him, nor is it one that can be etched away by others! We come into this world as equals yet some become more than others, some leave legacies and a mark with their name, their path! And their legacy remains crafted like a marble carving for our viewing, our pleasure to summon for our needs. Their presence, though physically no longer, progress, like time it is continuous and remain forever among us but through their vision!' - Age R.P Smith a.k.a agstarinc!

    Thanks for sharing your story, I hope one day to share mine!

  64. geez..feeling old! I remember them all! and others like IIgs, Apple Lisa and the Newton !

    nice job Terri

  65. This is a wonderful post, Terri, that brings back memories. Steve Jobs inspired more than 1 generation in more than just the IT industry. Speaking from personal experience, as someone who has not used an apple product for anything more than a simple evaluation or review, I can tell you that this IT/PC/Android guy is incredibly inspired by the Apple guy, Steve Jobs.

    Thanks for reminding me of the memories and that someone's creativity and passion can reach across boundaries to inspire anyone.

    Darren Sproat

  66. Anonymous7:51 PM

    We started out with the Apple 2E before the gaming console boom. It wasn't much but I always found the idea of flipping an on switch and being able to control this green screened environment entertaining. Then the console wars started and that went away, however that interface is probable why my older brother became a CS engineer. That was his first introduction into the world of programming.

    I admit as an artist I wasn't much interested in computers other than as a terminal for academic use; which always seemed to be in the form of a Mac somewhere or another.

    It's nice to see that from such humble beginnings, Apple devices have become an integral part of the nuclear family.

  67. Sheila Thorpe—
    I love knowing we have such similar Mac histories! Thank you for remembering Pagemaker & Freehand—my fave!

    Henk, Willems, Ric Townsend, Paulo Mealha, MrGold—thank you for reading & commenting <3

    Gabriel Flores—
    Holy moly—you were in middle school? YIKES. Let's see. Um. Let's not try to do the math here... *wink* But seriously, I appreciated your comment about the right to grieve. Whenever I think about him, I'm still so sad. I think it really is like losing a friend who will continue to resurface in our consciousness for a long, long while.

    Janette Toral, Roseli Bakar & Le Bep, Thank you for reading & commenting <3

    Liz Pullen—
    We've invested a lot in Apple products, too—probably the equivalent of a luxury car—but instead of costing money like cars do, The Apple products helped generate it.

    Ebru Ulufur—
    Hunter is awesome!

    Jon Upton—
    I'm now ready to take all of our Macs to "Re-PC"–it's like a CPU museum & store where people can find obscure parts & computers. I think I can finally say goodbye.

    Thank you, & I hope you're right about Apple's best years still lying ahead.

    Andreas Wiedow—
    The photographer brought the studio here, complete with several soft box & spot lights, seamless, reflectors, etc. Hauling a dozen computers would have been tough!

  68. Kevin Green—
    Wow—I didn't know you worked at an ad agency! That's so cool! I want to hear more!

    DES Daughter—
    It was Hunter's & my pleasure to have you visit. AppleTV is something we haven't done. Was it easy to set up?

    Pinkpackrat, Musicarta, Prem Gaire, Rubens Souza, Peter R (RADZ), Adam Justice,Teresa CrochetGeek, MrBill1, Krishnendu, Heidi Caswell, Silucky, Erik van Erne, EJ Williams Jr, Hein Kuenen, KongYee, Jaiper, Jackie Bigford, Skip547—I'm grateful for your comments! Thank you!

    Anonymous 1, Anonymous 2 — thank you and thank you from Hunter too. And yes—X-acto knives. OMG.

    Mark Settle & Jeff Hurt—
    I love hearing how our paths have run parallel!

    It must have been an amazing journey for you. I'd love to hear more!

    Eric Montgomery, Danko Winters, Jay Oatway—
    I don't want to trivialize other things by saying this, but I think many of us will remember how we heard the news. Because Apple plans several years out, I suspect there will still be surprises to take our breaths away.

    David Horsfall—
    You are the most supportive and understanding person to put up with me, Twitter, FB, Empire Avenue AND my blog. But to answer your question—time to recycle? Love you!

    Liza Myers, James Monjack, JAIPER, Cole Ruddick, WholeBitMedia, TotalMerch—Truly wonderful to hear from other Mac fans & many thanks for your comments.

    William Whetstone—
    Thanks for your comment, and congratulations for surviving the Big C!

    Age R.P. Smith —
    I loved the marble metaphor — thank you for reading and sharing!

    No need to feel old—it's modern day history & we are alive to experience it!

    Darren Sroat—
    Your response was so eloquent—thank you for taking the time to read and reply.

  69. Excellent post Terri. Thank you.(e)OREMOR

  70. What a great blog, and written so very well. This was a computer love story that included people. Very nice, but not as nice as Terri is. Very informative also. Makes me want to go get one of those computers! Well maybe all of them. Thanks Terri for suggesting I read it. Awesome. Your friend,

  71. Hi, Ron!

    So glad you approved! Thanks for the comment and for stopping by!

    Hi, Doug!

    It's been great fun getting to know you. I thought if you read this, you'd know a bit more about me — and now you do!

    Looking forward to hanging out on G+ or seeing you on Twitter.


  72. Paula Wong10:40 PM

    What a fun ride through our Apple journeys! Can't believe you saved them all and had them photographed right before Steve passed away. I had nearly as many as you, too bad I couldn't have contributed the iMac Clamshell Blueberry to your collection. I'm glad I had a part in getting you into Macs and design software. I remember you took it all on so capably just as you are now doing with social media. Many thanks for putting this together, Terri. It's a wonderful tribute to Steve and how he gave us all a bit of magic.

  73. Dear Paula,

    Thanks for making all of this possible! I'm grateful to you — not just for convincing me I needed to "get with it," but for your awesome friendship. You always have my back!

    As true believers, I think we both hope to see more Apple magic to come. Knowing what was down the road for him, and being such a strong leader and visionary, somehow I think Steve still has some surprises in store for us.

    I know you're slammed, so it means all the more that you took the time to read and comment. Thanks so much!

    Love, T

  74. Terri, what a perfect use for that computer museum in your basement!
    Now I know why you've saved them all.
    When Steve Jobs died, I didn't understand why I was so sad. But, almost immediately, it became very apparent that all Apple lovers felt the same way. You described it perfectly.
    I'm still using my trusty G5 Power Mac. As much as I'd love a new computer, it continues to serve me well and I've never had one problem with it.
    Beautifully written (as usual!) and great photos by Doug. Thank you.

  75. Dear Jennifer,

    Thanks so much for reading and for the comment. LOL— several of the computers were actually not here, but they were reunited for this blog post.

    It's really interesting how so many people took Steve Jobs' death so personally. Because he was our age and we all "grew up together," I feel it contributed to the feeling he was a friend.

    It's great to hear the G5 is standing you in good stead. I believe Apple products are designed to last for a long, long life, and even know a couple of people who are still happily using G4s.

    Much love to you,


    PS. I'll pass along your comments to Doug. <3

  76. Hi Terri

    I loved reading this and the photos are fab! I haven't been able to use a Mac because most assistive technology isn't compatible. Can't survive without my ipod though, especially to help me sleep.


  77. Dear Sarah,

    It made me smile to see your comment. Thank you so much. (XOX)

    I'm wondering if Siri (voice commands) would be useful to you? It is part of the new operating system on recent versions of iPhone/iPods.

    I think of you often and wish you well, Sarah. You're an inspiration to me.

    Love, Terri

  78. I have that very G3 PowerBook sitting on a shelf next to me, with an orange kitty perched atop. It's completely dead but I can't give it up. (Or the plug-in Zip drive that saw me through my BFA…)

    Thanks for the walk down memory lane! (e)NAOMI

  79. Hi, Naomi,

    Thanks for leaving a comment.

    Is the orange kitty...alive?

    Sometimes the battery is completely dead (and won't recharge) but it will still work when plugged into a power source.

    I remember there was something wrong with the power source (which was a black rectilinear thingy) and Apple sent me a replacement that had the industrial design sensibilities of the iMac and G4 (above).

    It's a sunny day in Seattle (a rarity in November), and I hope your weekend is going well.

    Thanks again for your response.


  80. Hi Terrinakamura,
    nice to be here
    a wonderful page
    with lot of apt illustrations
    well arranged
    good to know about your long
    association with the company
    and the people
    keep inform
    best regards

  81. Dear Philip,

    I'm so happy to meet you here and thank you for kindly stopping by, reading and commenting.

    Yes, I have been an Apple fanatic for many years, and suspect I will remain so well into the future.

    It's amazing to me how much of an impact Steve Jobs left as his legacy. Life would be so different if he had not lived.

    Many thanks again!

    Best regards,


  82. Talk about Flashback!

    Nice post, Terri. As you can see from all the comments, many of us relate.

    I have to admit, myself, that I was more saddened by the news of Steve Jobs' passing than I ever guessed I would be. So many experiences tied to that company, through the decades; it's probably the only brand in the world that has been a direct, daily part of what I do and think, Lindt chocolate aside :D, for the better part of my life. And to have been there from the beginning means we carry some battle badges that tie us further to Apple—like decorated veterans back from the day when Apple's future seemed uncertain, but we stubbornly supported every product, even through some glitches, in the hopes to help keep its future viable. (How romantic.)

    Thanks for reminding us about the days of "The Clones"—they were definitely part of my own Travels Through AppleLand, having a Power Computing for a while. Remember Quadras, anyone? Those had their moment of glory. And, oh, the excitement of moving through the line of "Power Macs," from the 7200, to the 7300, to the 7500, etc!

    And just think of the equivalent twists in SoftwareLand, going from Pagemaker/Freehand to Quark to InDesign. Or running Netscape on the early web, only to see it obliterated by Bill Gates packaging Explorer in PCs. ... and so on and so forth.

    Like you, I only got Pro lines until recently acquiring an iMac. They've come a long way from their early introduction as consumer toys, and I admit, the i7 core iMacs seem great for most of what I do. One thing to note though: if you're used to the Pro performance of Towers and i7 core iMacs, the Macbook Air is something to really adjust to. For graphic work, it still seems slow for many uses, but the portability is a treat, of course. There's always a treat in The Apple, as you well know. ;)

    Thanks for the lovely post.

  83. Dear Alessandra,

    It's always so wonderful to discover a kindred spirit. I'm sorry it took Steve Jobs' passing to forge a closer connection, but I'm really glad to see you here :-)

    When I received your comment this morning, I told my husband how much I enjoyed reading it. You are a terrific writer!

    Thank you for reading my post and for your very eloquent response. Having traveled many of the same tech paths, it makes me think we would have a lot of great conversations if we were ever to meet in real life.

    Looking forward to connecting more, Alessandra, and thank you again.

    Warm regards,


  84. I remember, as a college freshman, I knew nothing much about computers. As a matter of fact the "mini-computer was just starting to come on the scene. Know who dominated the computer labs at my school/ yep Apple. I thought that was a funny name for a machine like that. Although, I am now thinking of switching over, I have not used an Apple machine since then.

  85. Hi, Greg, and thanks for reading and commenting.

    Apple computers are sometimes puzzling for people who started on PCs, but a half-dozen (or more) of my friends who have switched now say they wish they had changed years ago. This is all to say, if you end up using a Mac, you might be pleasantly surprised!

    It warms my heart to see Macs flourish in recent years. I hope it means no longer worrying about whether or not the platform will survive.

    Wishing you well with your new blog. I looked for a way to join your blog as a subscriber, but was unable to locate the link.

    Thank you again and wishing you well this holiday season,


  86. Anonymous3:50 PM

    That was a stroll down memory lane Nak, and what a joyful one too. I started out on a Mac Classic and there were such memory problems with PageMaker that I think I had multiple exterior drives as I was constantly trying to store my projects off the computer in the sad belief that it would stop crashing. I also remember talking to Mick Larson about buying Apple stock while I was an Annie Wright and he said, in 1990, "That company is going under!" Alas, I wish I had followed my heart.

  87. Dear Peek,

    Thanks for reading and commenting. Wow, isn't it wild to think back to Pagemaker, and even more wild to think of Mick Larson's prediction? All of us who didn't buy stock are kicking ourselves now, and those who bought and sold are feeling even worse. But the main thing is—our platform is alive and well and far from being on life support!~

    When you said Annie Wright, I was thinking "Lakeside," which was 2 schools ago. How disorienting to consider how much and how fast time has flown by.

    Sorry you couldn't make it to the open house last week. We ended up making a major announcement—Andrew is engaged!

    Still hoping to see you and toast the new year.

    Much love, Nak

  88. Gosh, so many of these I grew up with and many of the yellowed computers I used in college. Such happy memories. My first computer I personally bought was the g3, then a g4 and my fav (g5) - but not an intel, but SUCH a champ of a computer. Loved her and yes she's a she (LOL). Loved this post Terri. Such a happy walk down Apple memory lane. I know many of my graphic design graduates that will eat this post up with Mac-cy love. :-)

    1. Heather, thank you so much for this response. We are definitely kindred spirits in Mac department!

      Last week we had a power outage. Though everything was plugged into surge suppressors. the power supply of my 23" cinema display was fried. My husband & I hauled the G5 and display in to the Apple Store & found the G5 was working perfectly. It is very much like an old trusted friend :-)

      ((HUGS)) and thanks again, Terri

  89. Great Words Terri, If you recall I worked with Jim for about 5 years, I felt the same way and also for Steve, recently I was with Woz in Cali and all I could do was think about Steve while I was with him.

    1. Richard, Whoa.

      Thanks for the comment. And I'd completely forgotten you'd worked with Jim! I still think of him often and have several of his photos on the walls of our home.

      Please forgive the delay in responding, but I wasn't aware this comment had been awaiting "moderation." I think I changed the settings temporarily at one point, thinking it would enable me to reply to each post as they were approved, but the old Blogger interface was, um, pretty dumb, and finally I gave up and returned back to letting the comments post immediately. Yours was caught in the middle.

      Now I'm wondering why you were with Woz in California and how in the world you two are connected?

      Steve Jobs' death was such a sad event for the Apple faithful. The worry all those years, wondering if we were all going to have to learn how to use Windows, finally has lifted. Steve prevailed!

      Thanks so much for the comment, and again, sorry for the delay in responding. GADS, I still can't believe I didn't remember the Jim connection!

      Warm regards, Terri

  90. he's not just apple.. Warm regards Terri

    1. Hello, MD!

      You're right...he became a cultural icon and beacon of light in the arena of industrial design and technology in the U.S., and the world.

      And for me and millions of others, the light still shines.

      Thank you so much for the comment :-)

      Cheers, Terri

  91. Hi, Mahasiswa,

    Thanks for commenting. Um. Question — the link to your "thanks" — is that where you are going to school?


  92. Grat article, Terri. I enjoyed every second of it.

    "he entered the new era kicking and screaming, but like the rest of us, found himself embracing it."

    Sad thing is that I never knew you had a blog. Shame on me.

    1. Dear Elivan,

      I'm so honored to have you read and comment on this post. I still remember the day he died. My bestie called. We were so sad.

      And next week I've been invited to a preview of the new Steve Jobs film. I don't have time to go, but my hope is that it's a fair depiction.

      Wishing you well, my friend!

      ((HUGS)) Terri

      PS: my other blog:

    2. OOOps! Wrong link, Elivan —


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i'm a graphic designer who loves words. - terri nakamura