Ben Huh, CEO, Cheezburger Network, and Playmate of the Month

Ben Huh, CEO, Cheezburger Network I was going to write about some of the many innovative companies in Seattle, but when a friend helped me set up an interview with Ben Huh (@BenHuh) fearless leader of I Can Has Cheezburger (ICHC) and other memes, my plans changed. So this piece is all about Ben Huh, the big cheese of a company that makes the world laugh. Questions are in bold. 23 July 2010 — Cheezburger Network, Seattle, WA Everyone has already written everything imaginable about you and ICHC. So I'd like to show you a Dewar's profile and a Playboy bunny interview from 1983. These are the inspirations for how I want to talk with you. I thought this would be more fun. So, is that OK? Fantastic. Dewar's Ad: Community Live Journal ; Playmate interview, Sept. 1983 Playboy So, basically, you’ll be like the Playboy playmate of the month. [laughs] First question—how do you pronounce your name? It’s “Huh.” Some pronounce it "Hugh," but it’s “H...